"Before you were conceived we wanted you, Before you were born we loved you, Before you were here an hour we would give our life for you. This is the miracle of life. ~Maureen Hawkins"

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Weight Day

Week four weigh in this morning.  Down 20 lbs :)  Went for a walk with my mom last nigth and for the first time since I can't remember when, my back wasn't killing me :)  I am going to be ready for NY in June in no time ;)  Power shopping with my sister, here we come!!!

On a side note, the DH and I are going up to see our new nephew this weekend.  I am sooooooo excited to actually be able to get to see him and hold him and soak up all his baby goodness :)  I will post some pictures of the little glow worm when we get back :)

Happy Friday!!

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