"Before you were conceived we wanted you, Before you were born we loved you, Before you were here an hour we would give our life for you. This is the miracle of life. ~Maureen Hawkins"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Welcome back old friend

Well, it's been a while since my last post.  Hubby and I got rid of our internet connection at home so I only hav access through my work computer.  Let's see, what has happened since I last checked in:

1) I spent a glorious 4 days in NY with my mom and sister.  I am officially in love with the city and can not wait to go back again.

My mom (on the left) and I waiting for the Subway
My sis (on the left), mom and I at Battery Park getting ready to see the Statue of Liberty

Sis, Me and Mom drinking our Ozmopolitans at intermision of Wicked.  The best play ever!!
2) I gouged my leg open on a picnic table
3) Two day's later I broke my pinkie toe on my suitcase while unpacking from an amazing weekending with DH.  Am now sporting an adorable purple pinkie toe with my freshly pedicured toes ;)

In other news, the diet is going pretty well.  I took a few weeks off for NY and a couple other mini vacation but am back on track.  Down 36lbs in 13 weeks and going strong.  Still hoping to meet my goal by December so we can start trying for our little miracle. 

Speaking of little miracles, I woudl like to say congratulations to my cousin who just found out today that she is getting her new baby daughter.  The papers are being signed and she and her DH are officially going to be parents to an adorable little 6 week old baby girl.  Sophia Roselynn welcome to the family.