I borrowed this from another post I follow. I thought it was amazing.
Thank you
At the end of this cycle my life with change forever.
Even if it takes more than one cycle we will have our baby(ies) very soon.
I just know it.
I am setting out on a journey for our child that most woman will never experience.
I've prayed for our children unlike alot woman.
I loved my child long before conception and knew them by name long before most woman.
I will know what my child looked like long before they were a child.
My earliest picture of them will not be their 10 week ultrasound, but
Rather when they were still a little embryo.
What an amazing feeling to know that I fought for our children
when other's told me it wouldn't happen.
What an amazing feeling to know our little babies are pure miracles.
What an amazing feeling to know that I loved my child long before I ever saw them.
I prayed for them long before they exsisted.
And I called them by name long before their birth certificate gave them that name.
What an amazing feeling to know that soon what I have cried for, for so long
Will soon by crying for me.
The ache in my heart will soon be a warm little miracle in my arms.
And even though I wouldn't go through all of this if I had a choice,
I know that my child will be the most loved and prayed for child.
God truly has a plan for our babies.
And I know that it's only a matter of time before they are in our arms.