Well, we've made it to 36 weeks today. Yay. A few weeks ago we weren't sure we would make it this far. The last few weeks have been a whurl wind of excitment.
Here is the short version.
At 32 weeks I was put on bed rest for high blood pressure
At 34 weeks we started making what seemed like too many trips to the hospital for high BP only to be sent home again. After the fourth trip in they decided it was time to admit us. My BP's wouldn't go below the 180-190/100's. We spent a week in the hospital and I was given every combination of BP meds including two rounds of IV meds to try to get my pressures down. Nothing was working so it was in to an ambulance and off to the High Risk unit at another hospital. We ended up spening another week at that hospital where they were finally able to stabalize my pressures with what they called the highest dose of BP meds they had ever had to give.
We were finally released to go home on strict bed rest with the assumption of all 5 high risk doctors that we would be back in a week to deliver.
Well, I don't ever like to do things the normal way or the easy way and upon returning home my BP's have decided to drop to a really low rate (which they don't want since baby has gotten so used to the higher blood pressures). I have been taken off of one of the medications and had the other reduced twice. The doctors are completely baffled, as am I. They said they have never seen someone go from one extreme to the other in this direction. They were sure with how much trouble they had getting me stable that I would for sure progress into preeclampsia shortly and deliver.
We had another ultrasound, nst and doctors visit yesterday and everything is looking awesome. Baby is measuring right on track at 6lbs 1/4oz (65%) has a great heartbeat and all looks good on the ultrasound. So now, the doctors are saying they will let us go as far as 39 weeks at which point they will induce. I was so worried about early delivery and now it looks like we will make it almost full term. I am so happy he gets to cook in there a little while longer and develop his lungs more. With my GD and the fact he's a boy I know every day helps in the lung department.
Have a Blessed day!
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