"Before you were conceived we wanted you, Before you were born we loved you, Before you were here an hour we would give our life for you. This is the miracle of life. ~Maureen Hawkins"

Friday, July 22, 2011

31 Weeks and you guessed it.....

permanent bed rest till Little Man arrives (hopefully sometime in September). 

The bad news:
1) My blood pressure was 173/98 at yesterdays NST which is what prompted the bed rest.
2) I have to do another 24hr urine test.

The good news:
1) My cervix is still nice and long and closed
2) I'm not having any contractions
3) All of my tests have come back negative for Pre-clampsia so far
4) I work for the best boss/company in the world and they are allowing me to work from home on my laptop so I won't miss out on the next 6-9 weeks of work/pay. 
5) Little Man is very active which makes me very happy and assures me he is doing ok in there
6) I have the most amazing network of friends/family. I love you all and appreciate you all so much.

In other news, I am feeling pretty good.  I'm more tired than I was in the second trimester but nothing to drastic and It is getting harder and harder to breath but I don't mind giving up my lung space since it means Little Man is growing.  We had an ultrasound on Wednesday and he is still measuring a week ahead but that has been par for the course since 6 weeks so nothing unusual.  He is estimated at 3lbs 13oz right now.  He was facing away from us so we didn't get any good pictures this time.  We go back at 35 weeks so hopefully he cooperates and we can get a good peak at those chubby litttle cheeks. 

So, this is me, just sitting on my couch chillin for the next 6-9 weeks working on relaxing and growing this little guys so he's nice and heathly and strong when he makes his grand debut. We are so excited to meet him (in September).


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