"Before you were conceived we wanted you, Before you were born we loved you, Before you were here an hour we would give our life for you. This is the miracle of life. ~Maureen Hawkins"

Friday, May 6, 2011

Fun Facts Friday! 20 Weeks!!!

How far along? 20 Weeks!! Half way! How is that even possible? My mind is still looking at the positive HPT in shock. Half way!!!! We are so blessed.

Baby's size? Little Man is the size of a cantaloupe. 6.5 inches and 10.5 ounces...according to thebump.com. However, last week at our ultrasound he weighed 12 ounces.

Weight Gain? Down 12 lbs. This week’s bought with the flu bug did not help in the weight gain area.

Maternity clothes? Regular tops. All my pants are maternity and I love, love, love them.

Stretch marks? A few

Belly button in or out? Still in.

Sleep? Not too bad but getting worse as my joints start to ache. The pillow between the leg seems to help but not entirely.

Foods I am loving? Not really any lately. Still like bacon but not as much as I used to. I’m craving chocolate covered sunflower seeds but I think that’s only because I can’t have them.

Foods I am hating? Meat

Best moment this week? Getting to see L on ultrasound again today and Hubby feeling L move this morning. It was only once and very light and quick but he felt him. The look on his face was priceless.

Movement? Yes. Up until two days ago it was all down really low but I am starting to feel L up by my belly button every once in a while now as well.

Symptoms? Sore boobs, frequent urination, muscle/joint aches, growing belly, irritable.

Gender? A LITTLE MAN!!

What I miss? What I miss is nothing in comparison to being pregnant. :)

What I'm looking forward to? Everything!!! More movement, stronger kicks, setting up the nursery.

Milestone: Being half way through until the baby comes!!

Put your hands in the air, wave em like you just don't care  :)

The U/S tech said it looked like he was giving us the "L" Loser sign LOL
Baby, fetus at 20 weeks - BabyCenter

Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)

He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).


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