"Before you were conceived we wanted you, Before you were born we loved you, Before you were here an hour we would give our life for you. This is the miracle of life. ~Maureen Hawkins"

Friday, March 4, 2011

What a year it's been so far.....

Well.......  I'm sure you've been wondering what I've been up to since my last post.  IN DECEMBER!!  Agghhhh what a bad blogger I've been.  Please forgive me.  Here is a little of what I've been up to.

Dec 28th 2010:
Third round of Clomid shows progesterone level at 3.4 meaning my husband has a better chance of ovulating than I do.  Decide to go back on birth control pills and try to lose more weight so in an attempt to jump start ovulation naturally.

Jan 14th 2011:
Fill birth control prescription. 

Jan 15th 2011:
Decide to take a HPT just to make sure I'm not pregnant (yeah right) but will feel better before popping my first pill to see yet another stark snow white negative.  This is what I saw....

OMG! OMG! OMG!  Can this really be happening right now?  But I didn't ovulate right?

Jan 16th 2011:
Pregnancy confirmed by doctors P test.

Jan 17th 2011:
First beta 1395 :)  WOW!!  Last time we tested this early it was at 32.  Major difference and instead of the doctors telling us it was a non viable pregnancy she said "pregnancy confirmed" :)

Jan 20th 2011:
Second beta 3651, numbers rising prefectly :)  Still in shock

Jan 27th 2011:
 First Ultrasound get to see Baby Beans little heart beating away at 122 bpm. Measuring 5w6d

Feb 4th 2011:
Second Ultrasound get to see Baby Bean's heart beating away 180 bpm and get to hear it for the first time.  Music to our ears.  Also got to see a little bit of a wiggle :)

Mar 3rd 2011:
Get to see Baby Bean again. This time B was very active.  Jumping all over the place and waving at us.  It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  Got to hear the heart beat again and it was going strong at 175bpm.  I feel like it's a girl and the high heartbeats seem to be confirming it.  Of course I know that is just a wives tale but I have a 50% chance of being right :) LOL

Profile Pic :)

My mom thinks B's smiling in this one :) 

Sooooo..... that is what we have been up to since the New Year.  I am so excited to reach twelve weeks on Monday and can't wait to experience all that pregnancy has to bring.  To all of those who are still struggling with infertility I am so sorry and I do not forget the journey we have been on.  I know that you are going through so much and you are in my heart and prayers.


  1. I've read this post 3 times and cried tears of joy everytime! So incredibly happy for you guys!

  2. So so so so happy for you. our surprise baby is 7 weeks old tomorrow and it gets better every day!

  3. AHHHHHHH congrats!!!!!! Those are amazing beta numbers, and I know that SHE is just growing like a weed in there!

    I'm so happy for you and it's just a blessing for me to be able to watch you guys as this pregnancy progresses.

    There will need to be weekly belly shots, or...well you don't want to find out... ;-D


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