"Before you were conceived we wanted you, Before you were born we loved you, Before you were here an hour we would give our life for you. This is the miracle of life. ~Maureen Hawkins"

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hold me close, don't ever let me go....

Well, it looks like our good news train has come to a screeching halt.........................

  I received the results of my Day 21 Progesterone test this morning and my level was at 9.1 :(  I'm not really sure what a good level is since while searching the internet I have gotten an answer of anywhere between 18 and 80 but my doctor said in her notes that this low level signals that we did not ovulate this cycle.  What does this mean?  It means I have beatiful eggs and LOTS of them but my body doesn't want to share them with Mr. sperm.  We are continuing on Metformin for two to three more cycles to see if I ovulate at all.  If not it's on to Clomid.  I'm a little leary of starting on Clomid.  My dad is a twin and my husband has twins on his side of the family.  Not that I wouldn't be so excited to have two little miracles to love I just worry about all the health issues that go along with multiple births. 

Well, enough depressing news for today.  I hope everyone has a lovely Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry hon. I'm praying for you for the next cycle.


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